Welcome to St James's Church

St James is the Church of England Parish Church of Hampton Hill, Middlesex. We are a family friendly community of Christians, a wide range of people from different backgrounds and of different colours and ages. We are open to and challenged by the future, seeking to equip people for their daily lives, inspired by our worship of God. We have a keen desire both for growth in numbers and also to make a contribution to the community, locally, nationally and globally. Whoever you are you are assured of a very warm welcome here.

March Sunday Services
Holy Communion 8am
Parish Communion 9:30 (not 30 Mar)
Together 3.30pm (not 9, 30 Mar)
Messy Church 9 Mar

Weekday Services
Morning Prayer
9am Tuesday - Friday (not Wed)
Midweek Communion
9:30am Wednesday

Lent Services
Compline (night prayer) 8pm from 9 March
Mothering Sunday All Age Service 30 March 10am 

Lent Lunch 23 March, Lent Appeal & Lent Groups
See below for details


Details of services, events and more can be found by following the links below - click the images

Weekly e-Flyer
Delivery sign up
Spire Magazine
Online or delivered
Church Calendar
Shows everything
Church Sheet
Weekly in church


Hearing Aids
Clinic, 1st & 3rd
Monday 1 - 3

Every Tuesday
10.30 - 12.30

Ark Playgroup
Monday, in term
10 - 12

Get involved
There are many jobs and activities

Search the churchyard records
Also find out about the history of the church

The church, hall and upper room


Time to Pray
The ‘daily’ bible reading and prayer. For a reminder email sign up here. See all here
Explore the Church
The church was consecrated on December 11th 1863, by the Bishop of London
The ministry of music is a very important part of our parish’s life, witness and mission
Regular giving helps the church to plan with greater certainty of income

The Parish Office is open  020 8941 6003
Monday, Tuesday and Friday 9.30-12.30
Wednesday and Thursday 12.30-3.30
Please call, email or ring the Vicar at the Vicarage (
020 8241 5904) for pastoral matters. (His day off is Monday)
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