There are 18 photo albums.

  • Church Refurbishment 2022 (29 photos)

    The inside of the church has undergone a refurbishment that resulted in the nave, together with the north aisle and south aisle, becoming a large open area, not only suitable for services but also other events and activities.

    The original pews were removed

  • Christingle (27 photos)

    A photographic description of Christingle services over the last few years

    Christingles around the church

  • Carols (39 photos)

    A photographic description of Carols by Candlelight over the last few years

    The choir singing  a Christmas anthem

  • Christmas for Families (22 photos)

    A photographic description of Christmas services for families over the last few years

    Taking part in the service

  • Christmas (31 photos)

    A photographic description of Christmas services over the last few years

    Part of the service

  • Mothering Sunday (23 photos)

    A photographic description of Mothering Sunday over the last few years

    A Mothering Sunday activity

  • Palm Sunday (15 photos)

    A photographic description of Palm Sunday over the last few years

    Starting the service

  • Easter (34 photos)

    A photographic description of Easter services over the last few years

    Children making the Easter garden

  • St James's Day (70 photos)

    A photographic description of St James's Day/Weekend celebrations over the last few years.

    Part of the Sunday service on St James's Weekend in 2019

  • Harvest Festival (59 photos)

    A photographic description of Harvest Festivals over the last few years.

    The uniformed groups taking part in the service

  • Remembrance (62 photos)

    A photographic description of Remembrance Sundays over the last few years.

    Around the war memorial

  • Organ Chamber (35 photos)

    Members of St James's congregation and visitors to the church will probably be familiar with a somewhat distant view of the organ on the north side of the chancel as shown above. Only an intrepid few, however, will have ventured into the interior of the instrument, behind the console. Here can be seen metal and wooden pipes of many shapes and sizes.

    Lilies and foliage were painted in cream and gold on the pedal pipes in 1894, with the real gold leaf used being specially supplied by the Admiralty

  • Gardening Club (19 photos)

    Autumn 2017 saw the introduction of a gardening club. This was, and still is, for anybody with an interest in keeping the churchyard looking its best.

    The hard workers who started working on the churchyard

  • Clock Restoration (24 photos)

    The clock faces were taken away in September, 2017, for a major restoration project at the clockmakers. The clock was built by J Smith & Sons of Derby in 1893, and this is the first major refurbishment of the faces. Work will include cleaning and shot blasting the copper-backed cast iron faces back to base metal, replacing the back and repainting them their original colours of black and gold, and applying gold leaf. They were back in place by the end of November.

    Preparing the scaffolding

  • Improvements (33 photos)

    There are many initiatives in our Action Plan. These photos show some of the improvements made to the church and hall during 2017/18.

    A new sink has been installed in the vestry

  • Spring in the Churchyard (25 photos)

    Photos to show what the churchyard looks like in the spring.

    The crocus carpet

  • Organ Renovation (31 photos)

    A few years ago various irregularities were noticed in the organ, including a whistling and hissing sound and also some notes being weaker and more ‘fuzzy’ than others. An examination by the organ restorer, Bernie Whitmill, revealed many technical faults causing these problems. consequently Bernie spent about 16 months from January 2017 deep in the organ chamber, meticulously repairing or replacing the parts of the instrument that were broken or showing their age, thus causing problems, and also moving some pipes to their correct positions.

    Starting work on renovating the organ

  • Our New Vicar (53 photos)

    Revd Derek Winterburn's Institution & Induction service 8th November 2016.

    The church is ready

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