Our Associate Priest

Revd Jacky Cammidge Revd Jacky Cammidge Revd Jacky Cammidge

Revd Jacky Cammidge became curate of St James's Church in the summer of 2015 after being ordained deacon at St Paul's Cathedral. She became our associate priest in 2019, after successfully completing four years as a curate and so fully qualified. Jacky is a trained opera singer and she currently runs the best nursery school in Hampton Hill, actually based at St James's.

Jacky's journey to the priesthood began many years ago, as she wrote back in 2012 in a Spire magazine article: "Throughout my life my faith has been important to me and it has sustained and strengthened me during both difficult and happy times. It was over 15 years ago that I began to believe that God was calling me to serve him as an ordained minister." It was in September 2012 that she began her studies for a three-year BA degree course at St Mellitus College. She covered a wide range of modules, including Church and Mission; Discovering the Christian Tradition; Theology and Spirituality; Biblical Theology; Systematic Theology; The Church in the World; and Leadership.

The laying on of handsShe was asked, What is most important in your journey? "People. The people I have met along the way in my faith journey, including my family, remind me what my journey is all about - love. The love of God for his people here on earth and to be able to walk a path which allows me to serve God, his Church and his people is a great privilege and calling; one for which I continue to give thanks to God daily."

On Saturday July 4th 2015 St Paul’s Cathedral was full to overflowing as Jacky, together with others, joined the Bishop of London for their ordination as deacons. The key moment was the laying on of the bishop’s hands with the words: "Send down the Holy Spirit upon your servant for the office and work of a deacon in your Church". Jacky was then able to exercise the deacon’s role at Holy Communion for the following year while she also learned about the different aspects of an ordained minister’s office and world.

Jacky was ordained priest by the Bishop of Kensington, The Rt Revd Dr Graham Tomlin, in St Mary Abbotts, Kensington, on June 26th 2016. Then three days later, on the festival day for St Peter and St Paul, she presided at the Eucharist at St James’s for the first time. Revd Debbie Oades acted as deacon beside Jacky and Revd Peter Vannozzi preached the sermon. Towards the end of the service most of the congregation went up to the altar rail and each received the laying on of hands and a blessing from Jacky. Then Nick Bagge, a churchwarden, presented Jacky with a signed card and a beautiful wool stole from the congregation. After the service everyone went into the Fitz Wygram Hall to celebrate with Jacky and Alan, her husband. There was food, bubbly and a wonderful cake.


Jacky on 07496 770 505

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