Welcome to St James's Church, Hampton Hill

Welcome to our church

We are a family friendly community of Christians, a wide range of people from different backgrounds and of different colours and ages. We are open to and challenged by the future, seeking to equip people for their daily lives, inspired by our worship of God. We have a keen desire both for growth in numbers and also to make a contribution to the community, locally, nationally and globally. Whoever you are you are assured of a very warm welcome at our church.

Here you can find out about St James's Church and what to expect when you get here. Browse through the website to see who we are and what we do. Use the Search facility if you are looking for something specific, and look at the Site Map to see what is here. 

What does St James's Church believe?

The Church of England website says: "Christian life is lived in relationship with God through Jesus Christ, and in common with other Christians in the Church seeking to deepen that relationship and to follow the way that Jesus taught. Central to that relationship is knowing we can trust God. Saint Paul says at the end of the eighth chapter of his letter to the Church in Rome, 'if God is for us, who can be against us?' And this is the heart of faith."

For Christians God is understood and known as Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
Father… God is love, caring for creation and for every human being as God's beloved child.
Son… God is as he has revealed himself to be in the historical person of Jesus Christ. Jesus' life, death and resurrection hold the key to knowing and loving God, and to making sense of life, before and after death.
Holy Spirit… God is alive, loving and active today, inspiring faith, justice and truth, sustaining the life of the world, giving spiritual gifts to the church and bearing his spiritual fruit in the world - changed lives and a transformed society.

Who goes to St James's?

• The congregation consists of a wide range of people from different backgrounds, colours and ages. Whoever you are you are assured of a very warm welcome at our church.

When is the church open?

• In addition to when services and events are taking place, the parish office, in the west porch, is open Monday, Wednesday and Friday mornings and also Tuesday and Thursday afternoons. If the church door is locked, please ring the bell and if someone is around, they will let you in.

How can I get in touch?

• There is always somebody willing to chat to you, either by phone, e-mail or in person. See The Office page for details.

Welcome Welcome Welcome

St James's Church

Nick Bagge in the office

The office in the west porch

Where is St James's and how do I get there?

• The address: St James's Church, 46 St James's Road, Hampton Hill, Middx. TW12 1DQ.
• Buses stop fairly near the church or, if you travel by train, there is a ten minute walk from Fulwell Station. If you are driving, there is plenty of free parking either in the car park adjacent to the church, or in adjacent roads.
• See the Find us page for details.

What services are there?

• There are regular Sunday services and regular special services at specific times of the church year, like Christmas and Easter.
• There are also other occasional services.
• See the section Sundays for details.
• All the services are entered into our Calendar.

What happens when I arrive at the church?

• When you first arrive, you'll be greeted by a member of the congregation, a Welcomer, who will give you a service booklet and a church sheet (information sheet).
• Please ask them for help should you need it.
• Near the entrance you will find a table with information leaflets about the church, welcome cards, the Spire magazine, etc. Just help yourselves to this information.
• You can sit anywhere you wish.

What happens during the service?

• Have look at the following pages which describe the services held on Sundays: Parish Communion and All Age service. There are gluten-free wafers available during communion.

What happens after the service?

• After Sunday Parish Communion services we invite everyone into the hall for Parish Breakfast. This is a very good way of meeting and getting to know people, especially for those new to the church.  Every week many people, including many families with young children, gather in the church hall to chat and make new friends.
• Our Sunday Kitchen Team provide tea and freshly-brewed coffee as well as cakes and hot bites.
• All our drinks are Fairtrade products. 

Welcome Welcome Welcome

A service

The children's corner

Parish breakfast

What help is there for those with disabilities?

• St James's is an all-inclusive church so having a disability should not prevent anyone from coming to church.
• Members of the congregation regularly bring to church and help those with limited mobility.
• The premises are accessible for those with disabilities. 
• There are parking spaces near the entrance.
• There are accessible toilets both in the church itself and the Church Hall.
• In the church there are large print service booklets, hymn books and notice sheets.
• The church has a loop system for the hearing impaired. 

What activities can I get involved with?

• Within the church, we have opportunities for prayer and study in groups, generally for a short series.
• There are various clubs and groups that also meet regularly or at intervals.
• There are many helpers at St James’s who get on with the many tasks that produce a pleasant environment for worship, a smooth-running administration, and enjoyable social events.
• There are BellringersCleanersFlower Arrangers, people who prepare the Parish Breakfast, people who read the lessons or say the prayers, ServersWelcomers, people on the Parochial Church Council and teams for Finance & Planned GivingProperties and Social events. The Choir always welcomes new members. Why not see if any of them would suit you? 
• Find out about these on the page People.

What activities can my children get involved with?

• The Together services have the needs of children and parents particularly in mind, though everyone is welcome. 
• Messy Church is church - but not as you know it. We want to make connections with those who cannot manage Sunday mornings, who want to come as a whole family and be messy!

Welcome Welcome Welcome

A supper quiz

The Gardening Club

Children in church

Has the church links with charities and other organisations?

• Mission is the central objective of all our church activities. An important part of Christian witness is giving to others. We give to local, national and international charities. We also have links with other churches and organisations. 
• See the Mission page for information.

How does the church interact with the community?

• St James's plays an important role in the community of Hampton Hill in two different ways. One is by the clergy and members of the congregation going out into the community, ministering to parishioners, visiting the sick or housebound, going into the local schools, etc. The other is by opening the church and encouraging people to come into our midst.
• See the Community section for information.

How does St James's keep in touch with its congregation and the community?

• We keep in touch by publishing Church Sheets once a week, the Spire magazine nine times a year and keeping our website up-to-date.
• In the church there is a table near the entrance with information leaflets about the church, welcome cards, the Spire magazine, etc.
• Every Saturday the vicar sends all congregation members a weekly email.
• See the page Ways we Keep in Touch for details.

If you have any questions at all or want to know any details about St James's Church that are not on this website, please get in touch through the Parish Office on 020 8941 6003. 

Welcome Welcome Welcome

A concert in church

Spire magazines

Charity work

We at St James's Church look forward to welcoming you at one of our services or events


The Office on 020 8941 6003

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