The PCC membership consists of the clergy (the vicar is ex-officio chairman) and churchwardens of the parish, together with twelve representatives of the laity elected directly or indirectly by the Annual Parochial Church Meeting of the parish.
The PCC secretary and the treasurer are generally elected or co-opted from the PCC. In addition there are three ex-officio members who are the elected members of the Deanery Synod who report back after synod meetings. The PCC meets every four to five weeks, with the exception of December and August.
Clergy are ordained ('consecrated' or set apart for the administration of various religious duties) and so take care of the religious ceremonies and also teach or otherwise help in spreading religion's doctrine and practices.
The Revd Derek Winterburn became our tenth vicar on 8th November 2016.
Once ordained, that person can become a curate (from the Latin curatus meaning 'care for'), a person who is invested with the care of souls in a parish. Although a curate can actually be either a priest or a deacon, the term is most often applied to an assistant ordained minister.
The Revd Jacky Cammidge became our curate on Sunday July 4th, 2015. After four years as a curate, she was fully qualified so became our Associate Priest.
Churchwardens are lay officials, men or women, working as part-time volunteers. They represent the laity and are responsible directly to the Diocese. They advise and assist the clergy in their work of ministry. They have to ensure that the church buildings and their contents are kept in a fit condition for services of worship and maintained as part of our heritage and are assisted in the latter by the Properties Team.
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Tops of the churchwardens' staffs |
The churchwardens are members of the Parochial Church Council. They are elected at the Meeting of Parishioners by the parishioners, whether on the electoral roll or not, which must happen on or before 30th April. They are then sworn in and formally admitted to office by the Archdeacon, between being elected and 31st July the same year. They are also ex-officio members of the Church Standing Committee.
Churchwardens have a duty under ecclesiastical law to keep an up to date 'terrier' (from the Latin terra - earth or land) of the property and an inventory of the furnishings, ornaments and valuables. These detailed records and also professional inspections, alterations and repairs must be produced for inspection when required. Although they are responsible for all the moveable things in and around the church, the vicar is responsible for the buildings themselves.
Churchwardens also have a duty to make sure that the clergy can conduct their services and other meetings without hindrance. This requires that any visitors or newcomers are welcomed and assisted, that there is adequate seating, proper lighting and heating, and that all other facilities required are in place, including safety requirements. As members of other parish committees and groups, churchwardens are often able to offer advice and assistance. Churchwardens have their own particular areas of knowledge and interests but they also have to deal with unexpected problems and add to the general wellbeing of the parish. Churchwardens use their staffs of office at certain specilal services. These are wooden with brass tops as shown in the pictures above.
PCC Teams
There is a Standing Committee which is the only committee required by law. It has the power to transact the business of the PCC between its meetings, subject to any directions given by the PCC.
PCC Teams are like additional specialist committees in addition to the Standing Committee. The elected representatives operate through these specialist teams, each with its own designated responsibilities. They meet between full meetings of the PCC and feed back to the next full meeting.
Statement of PCC Members' Responsibilities
Charity law requires the PCC, as trustees of the church, to prepare an annual report and financial statements for each financial year. This should give a true and fair view of the church's financial activities during the year and of its financial position over the year. The PCC is also required to ensure that these are subjected to an annual independent examination or audit and to present these to the Annual Parochial Church Meeting in accordance with the Church Representation Rules.
The PCC has the responsibility of co-operating with the incumbent in promoting in the ecclesiastical parish the whole mission of the church, pastoral, evangelistic, social and ecumenical. Formally, the PCC is responsible for the financial affairs of the church and the care and maintenance of the church fabric and its contents. It also has a voice in the forms of service used by the church and may make representations to the bishop on matters affecting the welfare of the parish.
The PCC and the parish also have representatives on a number of outside bodies, and a nominee on the Hampton Fuel Allotment Charity.
Find out more
The History of St James's Clergy