Schools & Uniformed Groups


St James's church has always cared and provided for children through the years. Early on in his incumbency, Revd Fitz Wygram discovered that only thirteen children out of a local population of 1,100 went to any sort of school. Having a keen interest in children and education, he made a grant of land in Mill Lane and in 1867 two schools were built. Since the closure of the Church Schools, St James's has continued its active relationship with the local schools and uniformed groups, welcoming them into the church and visiting the schools themselves.


• St James's has an active relationship with the local schools who are always welcomed into the church.
• Small groups and sometimes whole year groups visit to learn about the church to help with their Religious Education work.
• The local schools are welcomed for their own special services, especially their Christmas Carol Services.
• The clergy and the Children & Families' Worker often visit schools and occasionally take assemblies.
• The children from Hampton Hill Junior School sometimes join with St James's for a Christmas service for the residents of the Care home, Laurel Dene.
• Whole year groups from Carlisle Infant School come to St James's for a three-day Easter Experience and Christmas Experiece.

A school visit A school visit At Laurel Dene

Uniformed Groups 

• Although they are not strictly Church organisations, being 'open groups', St James's has an active relationship with the uniformed groups who are always welcomed into the church.
• They sometimes attend the church parade All Age services.
• The scouts generally help with the autumn leaf sweep and gutter clearance.
• The scouts always support the Remembrance Day 11am service at the war memorial in the churchyard, forming a guard of honour with their flags.
Brownies and Guides or 0800 1 69 59 01 | Scouts or 020 8286 6918

Find out more

The History of St James's Children


Revd Derek Winterburn on 020 8241 5904

Harvest Children Remembrance


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