
Charity Support

The central objective of all our church activities, our mission, is for us to be more active as disciples of Christ in our community and in our daily working lives, spreading a Christian influence in our local community and beyondWe want to make our church a welcoming and relevant place to all people, regardless of age, race, gender, sexual orientation, disabilities or economic circumstances. We want to take seriously our responsibilities to the whole Christian church, secular matters, the country and indeed with the world as a whole. 

The giving of charity was one of the most important social functions of the church before the advent of the Welfare State. From the beginning, "Mission work was always strenuously exercised in the neighbourhood by St James’s...."  Beyond the needs of the parish itself, St James’s contributed generously to the work of the church through the Home and Foreign Missions and other charities. Advent Sunday became its Mission Sunday, when this work was celebrated and collections taken to support it. St James's has undertaken various types of witness, mission and outreach through the years. Twenty-first century Britain is a very different place from Victorian Britain, but sadly the need to think of those less fortunate has not gone away and charitable giving is still at the heart of our parish outreach - an essential part of the good news our Christian faith encourages us to proclaim.

Mission statement
We are made in the image of God, and as such all people are of equal importance and significance. In God there is no distinction between male and female, Greek or Jew, bond or free – disabled or able. We all, irrespective of our status, have privileges and responsibilities in the practice and outworking of our faith. Just as there is a ‘bias to the poor’ so there is a biblical imperative to have a corporate responsibility to those on the margins of society and within the structures of our church. All people employed or accessing services offered by St James’s Church are treated equally.

Outreach involves extending ourselves, our talents, our resources, to help others. "Outreach ministry is the Church at work in God’s name, stretching out to meet needs in the wider community. Our daily lives are filled with outreach ministry ...... by serving the needs of others. ...... Christian outreach is provided by parishioners in our daily lives. Work, school, home and community commitments provide endless opportunities to meet the needs of others." The Diocese of London.

Our impact is also felt well beyond the church building itself, sometimes to those who may not normally look to the church for help. Through our outreach into the community, often in partnership with others, we are constantly seeking to meet the needs of the marginalised and vulnerable in our society, aiming to be the salt and light in our communities that Jesus challenges us to be.

Charity Support

Charitable giving is an essential part of the good news our Christian faith encourages us to proclaim. St James’s has a strong tradition of supporting other agencies in Christian mission by understanding the work that each charity does, building relationships with the people who do the work, raising funds and sharing the good news. 

There is an annual programme of fundraising projects, e.g. Lent Appeal, Christian Aid Week and the Harvest Appeal. Representatives of charities, for example Welcare and Christian Aid, speak about their work during some Sunday services. Gifts of food are collected and sent to the Hampton Foodbank, the church supports Fair Trade by providing Fairtrade-branded refreshments and helps parishes in poorer parts of London through the Common Fund payment to the diocese and communities near and far by generous giving to charities. 

ALMA (Angola London Mozambique Association)

ALMA is the partnership between the Anglican Church in Angola, London and Mozambique. The aim is to get to know one another, learn from each other and assist each other in proclaiming the message of salvation in a way that is relevant to today’s world.

ALMA Website | Our parish representative is Lawrence Sewell on 020 8977 2844

Bishop Wand School

Our annual donation to our nearest Church of England secondary school contributes towards the cost of employing the School Chaplain, as well as projects supported by the Governing Body.

Bishop Wand Website

Children's Society

The Children’s Society is a leading national charity, allied to The Church of England, driven by the belief that every child deserves a good childhood. Through its network of services all over the country, it offers help to many types of vulnerable children.

Children's Society Website

Christian Aid

Christian Aid’s work is founded on Christian faith, but it helps all people, regardless of their religion or nationality. It is a charity that works with people, of all faiths and none, to combat poverty and injustice across the world.

Christian Aid Website | Our parish representative is Elizabeth Wilmot on 020 8977 9434

St Luke’s Hospital in Milo, Tanzania 

St James has supported St Luke’s Hospital in Milo, southwest Tanzania, for over 30 years and currently particularly supports the work of two volunteers, Drs Hilary and Adrian Murray, now based at Milo.

The Upper Room 

The Upper Room is a community charity based at St Saviour’s Church in Wendell Park, Hammersmith. It provides a range of services for the homeless, vulnerable, and socially disadvantaged of West London. These include a weekday evening meal and support in finding a job.

The Upper Room Website

United Nations Website | Our parish representative is Dennis Wilmot on 020 8977 9434

Welcare in Richmond 

Welcare is a Christian Charity that works alongside parents and young children in need, to achieve a better quality of life for the family. It aims to prevent family relationships breaking down and to provide services in response to local needs which encourage self-help and build communities.

Welcare Website

The Charity Support Team

The Charity Support Team looks after the parish's charitable giving and is responsible for setting the annual programme of charitable grants and for relating to the recipients. It tries to ensure donations are split evenly between charities that support people here in the UK and charities supporting people overseas. Our giving determines the amount of money available to this team. It has been the commitment of the PCC for many years to give 10% of the church’s income for charitable purposes. 

Find out more

Witness, Mission & Outreach through the years (document) shows some of what happened from when records began up until 2017. The Annual Parochial Church Meeting Reports show the latest reports from most teams and groups.


Dennis Wilmot on 020 8977 9434

Life Group Mission

A Life Group

Milo Hospital supported by St James's

The Upper Room
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