
A Sunday service

Sunday Services

• Holy Communion at 8am: a short, said communion service.

• Parish Communion at 9.30am: a sung eucharist.

• All Age Service at 3.30pm: term time only, an informal family friendly service. The Together service is held held three times a month and Messy Church the other Sunday.

• There are also occasional services where everybody joins together for one main service.


• Music plays an important part in the services on Sundays, at festivals and special days during the year and sometimes at weddings and funerals.

• The Organist/Choir Director plays our fine three-manual Bishop Organ and directs our Choir.

Other Services

• Throughout the Church Year on Sundays or the appropriate weekdays we celebrates Festivals and Special Days. 

• Morning Office is said at 9.30am on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays.

• Communion is celebrated on Wednesdays at 9.30am.

• From time to time there are also additional services, including Evensongs and sometimes a Songs of Praise with other churches.

Preparing for Services

• Supporting the Services preparing for a service in church and tidying away afterwards is important work.

• ServersWelcomersBellringersFlower ArrangersCleanersParish Breakfast.

Find out more

Colours of the Christian Year 
Service Garments 
Church Textiles 
Church Plate 
The History of St James's Services 


The Office on 020 8941 6003

Sundays Sundays Sundays

Together Service

Parish Communion

All Age Service


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