
A Sunday service

Sunday Services

• Holy Communion at 8am: a short, said communion service.

• Parish Communion at 9.30am: a sung eucharist.

• All Age Service at 3.30pm: term time only, an informal family friendly service. The Together service is held held three times a month and Messy Church the other Sunday.

• There are also occasional services where everybody joins together for one main service.


• Music plays an important part in the services on Sundays, at festivals and special days during the year and sometimes at weddings and funerals.

• The Organist/Choir Director plays our fine three-manual Bishop Organ and directs our Choir.

Other Services

• Throughout the Church Year on Sundays or the appropriate weekdays we celebrates Festivals and Special Days. 

• Morning Office is said at 9.30am on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays.

• Communion is celebrated on Wednesdays at 9.30am.

• From time to time there are also additional services, including Evensongs and sometimes a Songs of Praise with other churches.

Preparing for Services

• Supporting the Services Preparing for a service in church and tidying away afterwards is important work.

• ServersWelcomersBellringersFlower ArrangersCleanersParish Breakfast.

Find out more

• Colours of the Christian Year 
• Service Garments 
• Church Textiles 
• Church Plate 
• The History of St James's Services 


• The Office on 020 8941 6003

Sundays Sundays Sundays

Together Service

Parish Communion

All Age Service


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